Friday, 11 March 2011

Final Project Rough Cut

Ths is the rough cut of out film opening, due to problems beyond our control it is abit later than it should have been. Overall the way it is looking we are reasonably happy with it, there is a few problems we feel we could fix and perhaps make some of the cits a little bit smoother and some of the edits to look more professional to enhance the quality of the film. Another thing as well to take note is in the rough cut we have not yet finished the audio and so throughout the beginning clips there is the sound of music and voices in the background these will be taken off when the final cut is done, so they are just be ignored for the time. However the audio outside has all been sorted and so we only have to fiddle with the audio on the first minute or so of video. One thing we are very happy with is the job that Lauren and James did by timing the end music with the shutting of the door, this adds a very ominous effect to the video which creates the atmosphere perfectly. Any one who has the time could they comment on this and give us feedback on what you like and dont like to makes sure we can then improve our project best as possible.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Could do with animating the studio ident. I will try and source a Lionsgate ident
    2. Obviously, cleaning up the audio will make a big difference
    3. Can I suggest using a ghosting effect on the colour sequences?
    4. I hope you can solve the animation issue on the credits
